航空機の荷物管理にRFID デルタ航空


The New York Times の記事はすぐに見えなくなっちゃうので,ちょっと長めに引用しておく.なんちゃらIDって,色んなものにIDをつけようとする動きがあるけれど,飛行機に乗る時に預ける荷物に無線タグをつけるってのはいいかもしれない.僕は幸いにして今まで預けた荷物が行方不明になったことはないけれども,被害にあった人の話は良く耳にする.Delta航空では2年間で最高 $25 milを費やして無線タグの追跡システムを構築するようだ.
現状では,誤配送荷物の対応に年間 $100 mil も費やしているので,十分に元が取れるのだろう.


Delta to Invest in Radio Tags for Luggage at Airports

Published: July 1, 2004

Delta Air Lines said yesterday that it planned to use disposable radio tags to track all luggage it handles at domestic airports. The airline, which is based in Atlanta, said it would have to invest up to $25 million to deploy the necessary hardware and software throughout its operations, a process that it aimed to complete within two years.


Fewer than a million of the 80 million or so bags Delta handles in an average year fail to reach their final destination on the same flight as their owners, but locating and delivering misdirected luggage costs the airline about $100 million annually, according to Robert Maruster,
Delta's director of airport strategy. Not only will the technology cut down on the number of bags that fail to get on the right flight, Mr. Maruster said, but once Delta develops software to provide its agents with data from the tracking system, the agents should be able to tell passengers where their luggage went and when Delta will be able to deliver it.

ところで,"Fewer than a million of the 80 million ..." ってどういう意味なんでしょう? 8千万個に対して100万個弱のバッグが正しい目的地に着いていないってこと?

Zdnet の記事: http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1105_2-5254118.html より.$15-$25 milを費やす予定であることと.現状の誤配送率が 0.4%である.

CNET News http://news.com.com/At+Delta%2C+tracking+bags+with+radio+tags/2100-1012_3-5254118.html?tag=nefd.hed